1. Topic ID: 1236
  2. Research topic: Nano-Engineering of Me-S structures (where Me = selected transition metals) - design and characterization of functional nanoscale materials.
  3. Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Angelika Kmita
  4. Supervisor’s email address: akmita@agh.edu.pl
  5. Auxiliary supervisor: dr Dorota Lachowicz
  6. Abstract: The aim of this project is to design and synthesize new systems of MexSy metal sulphide nanoparticles (where Me = ) with tunable magnetic properties for potential applications, e.g. biomedical (e.g. magnetic hyperthermia, MRI imaging), catalysis or environmental protection (e.g. electrochemical H2 storage, water treatment, ferrofluids). The proposed research will include the influence of synthesis conditions, e.g. the addition of a surfactant or the type of metal cations on the structural and magnetic properties of MexSy nanoparticles being formed. As part of the project, in addition to the development of synthesis techniques, a comprehensive structural and magnetic characterization of the newly obtained metal sulphides of the MexSy type will be carried out.
  7. Research facilities: ACMiN has the equipment to conduct the necessary research and also has cooperation with other AGH units, which will enable the comprehensive implementation of the research program. Access to synchrotron light is assured within regular user experiments (proposals to be prepared by PhD candidate) or it is assumed to apply for beam time within the ERIC/CERIC Consortium, etc.
    In addition to the statutory scholarship, efforts will be made to obtain funding from NCN grants and/or other funds.
  8. Funding source: Subsidy