1. Topic ID: 1235
  2. Research topic: Thermal evolution of geopolymers functionalized with nanoparticles.
  3. Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Angelika Kmita
  4. Supervisor’s email address: akmita@agh.edu.pl
  5. Auxiliary supervisor: dr Dorota Lachowicz
  6. Abstract: This experimental PhD project is dedicated to understanding the mechanism of modification of selected geopolymers by functional nanoparticles and their thermal evolution in the process of high-temperature treatment. In order to gain insight into the modification process and the quality of bond formation at the interface, it is planned to conduct research using advanced equipment e.g. using synchrotron radiation. The study of the curing process and thermal decomposition of the new nanocomposites will be possible thanks to the use of advanced coupled, e.g. TG/MS systems for thermal analysis. The activities initiated during the implementation of the doctoral dissertation are part of the strategies for the development of sustainable materials.
  7. Research facilities: ACMiN has the equipment to conduct the necessary research and also has cooperation with other AGH units, which will enable the comprehensive implementation of the research program. Access to synchrotron light is assured within regular user experiments (proposals to be prepared by PhD candidate) or it is assumed to apply for beam time within the ERIC/CERIC Consortium, etc.
  8. Funding source: Subsidy