Szkoła Doktorska AGH
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Topic ID:
Research topic:
Synthesis and properties of novel oxide phases in the system BiVO4:Cu - lanthanide oxides
prof. dr hab. Konrad Szaciłowski
Supervisor’s email address:
Auxiliary supervisor:
dr Agnieszka Podborska
Mixed-metal oxide phases based on bismuth vanadate are unique semiconductors with easily tunable band gap and charge carrier dynamics crontrolled by doping level (copper(II) is the most common dopant) and alloying with lanthanum (and lanthanide) vanadates.
The main goal of this project is development of synthetic procedures for fabrication of these materials under fully controlled conditions, evaluation of doping/alloying leven by various analytical methods as well as advanced spectrosocpic studies of these materials. This will include evaluation of band gap energy using optical spectroscopy, the role of alloying elements (lanthanum and lanthanide ions) by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy (using, among other photoluminescence anisotropy and time-correlated single photon couting approachs).
This characterization will be followed by development of photoelectrochemical characterization techniques, including photocurrent spectroscopy, intesity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy, and surface photovoltage measurements.
Research facilities:
Work will mostly include hydrothermal synthesis of novel oxide phases in a microwave-driven hydrothermal reactor (ERTEC Magnum system), optical spectroscopy (UV-Vis, Pekin Elmer 750) and photoelectrochemical studies (IM6 electrochemical station by Zahner Elektrik). Moreover, time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy using time-correlated single photon counting will be performed.
Succesful candidate, along with basic Doctoral School scholarship will get additional schoralship of 4500 PLN/month for a period of four years from NCN-funded research project.
Funding source: